Thursday, 1 December 2016

Quick recipe for writing excellent copies

To retain your top clients or to attract new ones for your latest products and services, success in the business is the top most demand and content writers do the same. It is true the copywriters make use of their creative and convincing writing skills to sell your products. They are the ones accountable to generate compelling, persuasive and diverse content. They play a significant role in grabbing the attention of your customers in the most lucrative way. They are hired by advertising and marketing companies.


I am stating some vital points which can be extremely helpful for copywriters, to be good copywriters who must know the quality content.

Understand your audience: It is not just important but absolutely necessary to know your audience for better targeted and relevant writing such as, 'who' they are and 'what' do they like to know. What is the age group of the target you are writing for and what could be the expectations of your customers with the products you are selling.

Product uniqueness: Today thanks to the Internet, there is no dearth of information. People extensively research before making the actual purchase decision. There can be multiple players in the market offering similar products. But customers want to capitalise on one such product that is unique and can be extremely useful for their business. So your task is to showcase your product in an appealing manner in the market. The trick is to convince your readers, why your product is much profitable than others. And to achieve this you must have all information about your products.

Keep an eye on your competitors: In an ever-changing business landscape, it becomes a priority to be able to show your product better than your competitors. It is advisable to do some research on your competitors and thorough study that will help you to understand them better.

Come up with compelling headlines: Grabbing your reader's attention is not as easy as it sounds. The introduction particularly the headline has to be catchy and grab the eyeball of the reader. Your headlines and introduction must be able to force the reader to read further. Making use of appealing words such as "exciting, exclusive, special, limited, etc." will catalyse the intention of the reader to read the content.

Go less with words: Try to concise the content as much as possible because no one is interested to read lengthy content. Make use of effective words to make your content effective. Focusing on the word "You" rather than "We" can get you better results because the readers feel that they will be benefited with the product.

Include effective call to action: Provoke the customer for immediate response by defining the type of action you want from your readers. Call to action phrases are, hurry-up, call now, order now, do not delay, free download, free sign up, add to cart, and so on.

Proofreading: Last but not the least, making sure your copy is free from grammatical error and mistakes. Proofreading is the process to go through the content and rectify the required changes. The content must be professional and of high quality.

At Global Data Brokers believes in delivering excellent content and verified data records to its clients. We give you access to the most reliable B2C email lists and ensure you always get the best data.

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Quick tips on how to create successful content

Creating successful content isn't that easy! It takes a lot of time and effort to put in 'unique' strategies in place. As we all know producing content is vital for SEO and marketing, let's look at some of the ways to create meaningful and engaging content.

There is a huge gap between doing effective keyword research and providing words or a video on a page that can add value enabling people to share content on various channels. On a daily basis, we do see a lot of bad content on the Internet and that's exactly not what we want to create or see. All we want is spreading shareable content on multiple platforms and spreading marketing message of your brand.

We create a lot of content and based on research, we can also identify what makes content successful. Let's have a look at some of the characteristics.

Emotional Connect

Despite the fact that overall content marketing adoption, production and budget has been a significant improvement, relatively little progress has been made in terms of quality. Marketers are facing a tough time to produce the type of content that is engaging and connect to customers emotionally. Creating emotional content is vital as it implies that when your visitor lands on a page there is some emotional connection to the content they are reading.

Website Content
Website Content 
We have also found that positive emotions get shared more quickly than negative emotions. If you are talking something good, if you have content that enables people, or it shows you all the riches of the world and fulfils your life, you're more likely to be successful.

Serving Purpose

Creating useful content with speed, and without compromising on quality and volume is sure to get a lot of mileage. Brands need to understand the difference between content marketing and advertising. Content marketing is about being helpful and providing resources to customers by giving them what they are looking at every stage of their buying journey. We like content that adds value and helps you solve some of your business problems. The content should be such that it enables you and others to do useful things, and hence you feel it is worth sharing.

Perceived Value

Content is king! It is important that the content is good, but we can make it seem better and get the most mileage (value) out of it. It is an ongoing process and maintaining the quality is very much needed. With all this, social proofing is required. When you land on a particular page and you see those great social shares, tweets, Facebook likes, it seems more valuable than something that has no social proofing. And hence it's much more likely to be shared and spread among the community than content without shares.


We have seen many marketers creating excellent content, but not giving it enough visibility. It is simple! Make sure the content is at the top of your page or putting it on your homepage. It is necessary to highlight your best content on your sidebar and then putting in place marketing tactics like social outreach/networking, asking your contacts to share your content, and much more.

Successful marketing depends on insight gained from valuable data. In case your database is lacking the information to propel your company forward, Global Data Brokers can help. We serve businesses reach their audience globally and efficiently through our marketing database.

Friday, 18 November 2016

How Visual Content can Increase Conversion Rates

The wrong visual content can sometimes kill conversions much quickly the same way as the right visual content can increase them. Many brands make use of custom visual content and hence their chances of conversion are much higher than those that don't. There are many ways through which visual content can increase conversion rates and since they are so sharable, you can effectively use them on social platforms to explain your product's benefits and features. You can showcase your offers, functional content with better images. It is not strange that the right visual content can increase conversions, but only when used in the right direction. Let's talk about unique ways to use visual content to increase conversion rates.

1) Experimenting with video

Product videos can play a huge role to improve conversion rates as consumers are more likely to purchase a product or service after watching a video that gives them a heads up. With faster internet speed, loading these videos is no more a pain. Videos are gaining momentum and quickly becoming the favourite way to get information. Having said that, it may sound simple, "Video = Conversions." It can work wonders only with the right placement, such as the hottest area of your product page, such as next to product images or call to action tab. If given prominent positions, visitors can stay longer, engage more, and buy more.

Coming to the next question, what should these videos be about? Examine what your customers like and dislike. Mostly they don't want to spend time reading a lengthy product description. Based on the research, most of the web visitors only read 25% of text. So it's wise to show how the product works and how effective it can be for you and your business. It should be realistic and accurate leading to more realistic expectations.

2) Brief people how to use your product or service

Today there are multiple ways to show how a product works, even in the absence of video. For instance, virtual product tours can immensely help if done correctly. Product tours are mostly available after a product has been purchased but pre-purchase product tours can act as powerful conversion platform.

3) Pinterest 

If your large clientele is female, Pinterest can show powerful results but it may not work for everybody. You don't need a visually appealing product to get attention on Pinterest. All you need is just visually appealing and genuine marketing. Pinterest could be a game changer for your conversion depending on your product and audience. Almost 19% of active users say they make a Pinterest-inspired purchase every month.

4) Integrate social with the rest of the content 

Try curating social proof with Twitter and Instagram, it helps! It can be very persuasive in terms of making a purchase decision. Many say they've made a purchase because of a tweet from an influencer talking a product or a service. The trick is to curate the tweets about your brand.

So how does social proof work? It is a general tendency of consumers to believe the reports of other consumers, like themselves, instead of depending on marketers. Seeing other people report behaving favorably for a product, removes fears and doubts, and that leads to more conversions.

Get noticed on the world's popular search engines by using Global Data Brokers' services. Our extensive marketing databases which are well-segmented will help you precisely target your customers and businesses.

Monday, 7 November 2016

Content targeting: 5 tips you need to know

Content Marketing Guidebook
Content Marketing 

The perception of digital marketing has seen a sea change in the last one decade. Few years back, digital content was perceived to be anyone's game. You wrote something and published letting the Internet decide if it was worthwhile. If you hit the quality benchmark of good content, the ranking will automatically rise to the top.

But in current times, the digital marketing space is too crowded with too many players competing against each other. Every form of content is battling for grabbing viewer's attention (which is too short lived). The old forms of building a set of clientele (by creating relationships with other sites, syndicating, link sharing and using cost-effective social media promotion) may not prove helpful now. Say if you have identified a topic which has been largely covered, such as finance, beauty, and so on, you have a rough road ahead.

So does that imply there's no point in even giving it a shot and companies can pack up their content departments in the fear of facing defeat? Not really!

The need of the hour is to act smart about a concept that's gaining a lot of momentum: amplification.
It is one way of getting content within eyeball range of your desired audience. The new generation of amplification is all about using better tools that can dig deep into solving the two most complex questions for success with content marketing:

1) Who is the audience I am targeting with this post
2) How do I connect with them? 

Lets have a look at the types of targeting at your disposal.

Till recently Facebook and LinkedIn both used to offer substantial organic reach, but now these social networks charge brands and users for organic reach while ramping up their content targeting offerings.

Paid distribution is arguably the most effective way to use both social networks.

The targeting ranges in price and it depend on information that users provide in their profiles. It is advisable to figure out where to allocate your amplification dollars and do some thorough analysis. For instance, if you are looking to connect with CMOs, then LinkedIn is probably the best choice.

This focuses on targeting those people who've already visited your website and/or interacted with your content in the past. It keeps their identity, then segments them by demographic info (such as household income, and so on) and targets them with a sequence of additional information.

The idea is to keep people inside the orbit who have already expressed interest. Here the limitation is that you're only targeting a selected group and not masses.

Going deeper
To get a deeper penetration, tools such as Storylift (, can craft surveys to your demographic target that point to whether or not A or B person will be more likely to use your services. After you have narrowed down those people, and targeted your content to them (usually through a Facebook post) your cost per lead drops dramatically.

So are you prepared to spend on these tools? Cost for each tool varies depending on volume, targeting level, and many such factors. Picking the right tool that will give you exactly what you are looking for and keep your cost-per-lead optimized. So how do you pick? Coordinating and working with a skilled content strategy team will help you figure out which tools are worth your time and money.

Global Data Brokers is into making business processes smooth and easy. We believe keeping the sales, marketing and client services teams in sync is what makes a business smooth. Our excellent Marketing Database provides services that support customers and businesses and help them keep their organizations in sync.

Thursday, 3 November 2016

Looking to assemble a Content Team? Watch out some ‘must’ have personalities

Today’s marketers are struggling of not having enough of the right set of people in their content team. Based on the statistics, almost 40% of B2B marketers feel that HR is accountable for delayed success in content marketing, and 22% blame lack of education and training.
Planning, developing, executing, and measuring a content marketing plan can prove to be difficult even under the best of circumstances, particularly when you don’t have the capacity of adequately staffed team. In a situation like this, even the most well-conceived content marketing plan can struggle.
Content Team
Content team

Hence it is not just important but absolutely necessary to have the right roles defined and fulfilled by the people who can execute them the best. Based on the requirements, we’ve identified eight personalities that can strengthen your content team. You will notice that the skill sets we are talking about are possessed by many with the same qualifications, namely an ability to meet deadlines, task-specific marketing knowledge and good communication skills.
Get more detailed outlook about these personalities below as they will help bring your content strategy to fruition.

1) The Overseer
The taskmaster or overseer is your project manager, the one who is responsible for the successful execution of your projects and campaigns. The taskmaster should be proactive, creative and prompt. This person has the onus of getting stuff done.

2) The Thinker
Writing well is definitely important but this person should also be agile enough to put the opinion in different voices and tones, based on your content requirements. This person should bring your ideas to life through language. Being the content head, the person is expected to deliver compelling work quickly. Like rest of the team, he too should be assigned a deadline to keep deliverables on track.

3) The Moving Webster
While the wordsmith/ the thinker add zeal to the content, the grammar geek is a sound editor who makes your brand stand out. The person is responsible for consistency and quality across all channels.

The role becomes even more important because anyone browsing your content will be distracted if you are publishing content that contains grammatical errors. There are high chances of losing sales and business. For some businesses, a single typo was speculated to result in almost 80% drop in sales.

4) The Artist
One of the strongest qualities that is expected from any content developer is someone who can turns ideas and raw data into beautiful visuals. Infographics, logos, and collaterals – both online and print must adhere to brand style guidelines.

5) The Social Bug
In today’s world of social networking, it is absolutely important to be active on social channels. The person is in charge of content distribution, promotion, and amplification on various platforms. They must possess the affinity for social media and branding and enjoy interacting with people online. You know never they can be leads.

Friday, 28 October 2016

Publish content at the right place and at the right time

Great bloggers know how to publish their content in the right place and at the right time. It is important to identify which post deserves to see the light of the day and which post needs to be kept on hold until the time is suitable. They also know the medium where the particular piece of content will do better, be it their own blog, or on a site like LinkedIn. They know the art to constantly balance, weigh different options, juggle several content pieces and hence make better business decisions.

Content scheduling
Content scheduling

To be a great blogger, you need to be a great decision maker and decide on the content where it can reach your target audience. Also you have to decide whether the time is right for the content to be published.

Let’s consider some factors that can help you determine content placement.

  • Target the right niche
    Being a blogger, you need to find out how well a post will perform on third party sites which specializes in a particular niche compared to your own. This is because many at times, readers devour particular type of content that their own blog may not contain as they deal in some different kind of business.
  • Choose the right type of content This plays an important role to consider the type of content, it can be in the form of visual content, blog, infographic, long form articles, predictions, and PPTs. While visual content is best suited for social media platforms, blogging is best for guest posts.
  • Set the right tone The tone of the content decides the place where it should be published. Something thought-provoking or a controversial piece will be suitable for publishing on LinkedIn, and other active communities and forums to garner more views for your post.
  • Content timing  People search for the recipe of cakes and pie all through the year, but that doesn’t mean you write about it in the month of February. Hence timing is not just important but absolutely necessary. Many bloggers are stuck in a rut and fail to understand the importance of dynamics of timing and content. 

No matter how great your content piece is, or how much effort you have invested in writing it, the ultimate result of your post is sealed by the time and the place you publish it. So its time to revisit your strategies and make wise decisions to effectively market your content.

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Get Quick Tips to Improve Your Website’s Performance

It is not important that every marketing success comes from a big campaign. There are instances when you have a budget crunch and when you’re a non-profit operating entity, big campaigns is not always an advisable option. Many at times, it’s the little tweaks that can play a vital role in yielding good results. So today we’re going to discuss three most important areas where you can make some quick changes that can boost your ROI and kick off strong change. 
SEO Strategies
SEO Strategies 
1) Improve and maximize your SEO strategies
You have set a clear SEO strategy based on your research and behavior of your prospects and have also identified the most pressing questions and concerns. Not only this, you’ve laid out what words and phrases they’re using to look for information. But is it being executed as the way you thought? Every single page on your website and each blog post must be optimized around a ‘single’ keyword or phrase that your audience is searching for on search engines. Excessive keyword density can dilute the organic power of your main keyword.

If your company isn’t blogging yet, get started as early as possible. A blog is the constant storehouse of fresh data, SEO-focused content that will help search engines (Google, Yahoo and Bing) to drive traffic to your organization’s online presence. 

Continually keep a track of unyielding pages that aren’t attracting as much traffic as anticipated. Try to improve them by focusing on a current, high performing keyword. You can also optimize your high traffic pages and posts (as and when needed). Every element should be optimized because many people overlook optimizing their images for SEO. For instance, image’s filename to its alt text and title text to its loading time, everything should be optimized.

If there is an overall drop in organic traffic or your place in search results, it is high time for a more extensive review of your keyword strategy.

2) Leverage more ways to convert visitors
Inbound marketing is a constant journey where every element constitutes to play a significant role. There are many website visitors who aren’t prepared to make any sort of commitment or engagement to your organization just yet. That doesn’t imply you can’t get them into your database.  You can identify one of your free resources (high value) and make it gated content. It could be something like a report that will add value to their business. No matter what the topic is, it should be of sufficient interest and value to your target audience/ prospects that they’ll happily subscribe their email address to get regular updates. It is the starting point of an active relationship between your organization and your prospect (that could be a potential lead) that enables you both to learn more about each other.

The CTA should be ideally placed throughout your website and blog because it provides a ‘low-stress entry point’ for people who are still just looking for information and are not ready to make any commitment. 

3) Time to be mobile friendly 
Your mobile site can’t only be smaller version of your primary website. It is needless to say, visitors mobile search is gaining quick momentum and the experience is very different from a desktop version. It is not just important but absolutely necessary to optimize your organization’s mobile experience to capture and convert mobile traffic.

Make use of responsive templates so your website design works on mobile screens. Mobile visitors will see less with a first view than on your desktop site, so it is necessary to make sure that first impression clearly communicates about your organization and give them a reason as to why the visitor should explore further. Try to replace chunks of huge text with bullets, colour and images. Phone numbers and email addresses should be tested regularly. 

Last but not the least, make little use of pop-ups on your mobile site and do not use big pop-ups that can block the content behind. 

Switch to Global Data Brokers for getting most accurate and high yielding marketing database. For more tips on how to convert visitors, make use of our services

Friday, 21 October 2016

6 Steps to achieve success in blogging

                               Effective Blogging

Successful blogging is a lot of hard work. Depending on the kind of success you’re looking for your company, a blog can provide the platform and an opportunity to showcase your company’s brand image, culture, and values while shedding some light on the services and products you offer. We are giving a list of few points to keep in mind while writing an effective blog.

  • Authority 

Your blog should be used as a channel to help establish authority through content that can add value to the industry you operate in. That being said, the way you set up your blog can impact the authority in some niches. Blog that is self-hosted is going to be the safest bet for everyone particularly because it is an extension of your website (your services) and should be treated just as professionally.

  • Content

Depending on your industry and the frequency with which you’d like to communicate to your audience and publish, content creation can become a tedious task. The way forward is to stay creative and think like from the point of view of your users or end customers. You must understand the kind of content they would look forward to that would solve their problems and make their lives easier. What would entertain them? Most in fact all of these issues can be addressed by getting to the bottom of many of these questions and looking into their behaviour through site analytics. Google Analytics and AdWords van help in a big way to give you access to some keyword data.

One can also look at their competitors’ sites, social handles, your inbound Q&A, customized requests queries, and any other feedback channels you have. Simply by looking around, you will come across insightful records that will help you come up with new ideas. 

  • Timing

Timing is definitely not everything, but it surely is an important part of the content marketing space. It is particularly important today as we are flooded with information from social channels. Ideally, you want to find the time and day when your audience is available and willing to receive and share your content on various channels. This time they are going to be most active. The best thing to do is trying experimenting with different times of day until you completely understand what that ‘optimal’ time is. A tool called Followerwonk can help. 

  • Style 

Make sure your message and your brand’s identity is being heard across various channels and your choices are intentional. Stick to one style of writing and do not keep changing every now and then. You may have different tones to your blogs, but it should be in such a way that they are all pivoting from one primary brand. While this may sound a bit limiting, it actually makes content easier to create as you have a good sense on how your brand persona would approach a particular subject or situation. 

  • Frequency 

This is one of the most crucial elements. Once you start blogging, you must be regular. It is perhaps worse than never blogging at all. If someone is a frequent visitor to a company’s blog, he/ she look forward to the upcoming resource section for blogs. And it is disheartening to see that the most recent post is quite an old one. This gives the visitor a reason not to subscribe or participate any further. It is not required to blog every day or for that matter every week. Perhaps you can simply do a monthly industry roundup and that’s all. It is just to give a heads up to your audience what to expect.

  • Engagement

You can say you have achieved some milestone when you see engaged audience. Posts really come alive when they start to see comments and conversations from the community. It should be moderated as comments left unchecked can be a golden ticket for spammers, who are crawling the Internet for opportunities to drop links. 

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

How to Generate Quality Leads

It’s time we stop wasting sales effort in trying to sell to a lead that is not going to buy. It is important to understand which leads are most likely to turn into real business and how to generate more such leads.

Some businesses, particularly small businesses have limited resources in terms of money, time and people – especially on the sales side. Given that limited capacity they need to make enough sales to maintain and grow your business. It becomes a priority to generate and identify the leads most likely to convert and help maximise the return on your efforts.

We have listed out a few ways that can improve lead generation and ensure to give you a set of leads more qualified and more likely to turn into business deals.

1. Sales and marketing teams should be aligned
One of the most important roles of the marketing team is to generate sales-ready leads for the team (sales) whose job is then to close the deals. In order to ensure you are getting the most ‘ready to buy’ leads, the inbound and outbound marketing channel should rely on targeting the right set of prospects. To achieve this, it is mandatory that your marketing and sales teams are aligned. Fundamental to sales and marketing alignment is making sure the teams communicate well and work together.

2. Emphasise on making data-driven decisions to improve productivity
Historical data can help improve your lead scoring to a great extent. If leveraged well, businesses with this wealth of historical information can avoid wasting time and improve sales team productivity. By getting clarity on how likely a prospect is to convert based on specific kind of interest, action or behaviour pattern, you can score them accordingly and prioritise the leads for sales.

Your historical experience, coupled with some analytics, will give you indications of the likelihood that a customer will convert based on their behaviours. For someone who has downloaded an e-book might be at the top of the funnel whereas somebody that asked to be contacted from your form page is more likely to be ready to purchase. This data can also help you create better buyer profiles to target and most importantly drive better quality leads.

3. Marketing budget should be spent wisely
To generate qualified leads you need to carefully plan and strategize on your target markets and spend your marketing budget frugally. Identifying the prospects and learning from what has worked for you in the past becomes critical. Every campaign should be analysed well and leads need to be tracked all the way from step one to the last one. If you fail to understand how your campaigns translate into solid sales, you will never be able to work on the return on investment (ROI) on your marketing spend. If you’re a small business, and budget is limited, you're going to want to focus on things that are comparatively low on cost rather than expensive marketing campaigns.

In this process, one must also consider how to effectively spend money on staffing and other processes. For instance, it is essential to identify if key people are spending valuable time doing jobs that could be automated, namely sending a follow-up email. By automating these processes, a set of people can act at a strategic level. So it’s time to cut costs by reducing the time and effort spent on processes.

4. Understanding your customer’s journey and improving their experience
The customer journey is the series of processes a customer moves through, right from building awareness to engaging them and making them purchase. It is essential to understand their behaviour in this journey and proving them channels (wherever needed) that can help them with the right kind of information to help build a business case at the appropriate time.
This will dramatically help you realise if your sales and marketing team need improvement anywhere – such as, if you see people continuously dropping out of the (sales) funnel at the same point. It is possible there can be some issue that you as a team are failing to address with desired information or data. Or maybe you are not quickly dealing with an enquiry and follow-up compared with your competitors.

Same way, if you are getting lots of people through to a certain point but they are not ready to buy, you may actually be wasting time following up with those leads. This must be addressed to better understand your prospects’ needs and wants during their customer journey.

5. Testing at every point
Businesses have evolved and so sales and marketing teams can no longer rely on ‘gut’ to tell them what works for them. There are tools to track and measure more easily and quickly.
Most marketing and sales teams can gain benefits by ‘testing’. Any variable can be tested, right from sending emails multiple times in a day or days of the week, to analysing how frequently to send marketing messages that get the best click through rates, or whether leading on price points or offers helps.

Generating leads can be easy but generating qualified leads is much harder. Not anymore! If you leverage these processes for your business and use data effectively, you can vastly improve your lead quality and help grow your sales.